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Simon Bourcier Famille Le Long Du Canal Hede Bazouges Simon Bourcier 6694Simon Bourcier Famille Le Long Du Canal Hede Bazouges Simon Bourcier 6694
©Simon Bourcier Famille Le Long Du Canal Hede Bazouges Simon Bourcier 6694|©simonbourcier.com
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From the remains of a Neolithic village found in Lillemer, the City of Alet, ancient capital of the Celtic Coriosolites in Saint-Malo, to the forts and blockhouses dating from the Second World War scattered along the coastline, heritage enthusiasts can satisfy their thirst for discovery here. A territory shaped by man, his beliefs, his explorations and his heritage.

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The Nugget Seeker’s Destination. The territory is adorned with 8 treasures to discover all its riches. Over the seasons, the territory unveils itself and its thousand gems are discovered to you…

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