An iodized symbol
Symbol of Cancale, oyster farming is listed on France’s Intangible Cultural Heritage. They are plural: hollow, flat, wild and of all sizes. Cradled by the rhythm of the tides of the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, they are ideally located to develop a delicate iodized flavor. . The parks that have made the city famous appear at low tide; guided tours allow you to explore them.

At the table!
The Cancale oyster is by far, one of the most Renommée oysters in Brittany. Raised in the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, it is rocked by the strongest tides in the world. The flat oyster, also called Belon de Cancale, takes its name from a river in Finistère. It was highly prized at the table of Louis XIV for its firm and white flesh and its taste reminiscent of hazelnut. The flat oyster, today produced in deep water in the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, remains a dish of exception.the hollow oyster requires three to four years of breeding. It can be eaten raw or cooked. It is characterized by its pronounced iodized taste. You can choose your oysters according to their size, from n° 5 to n° 0; the smaller the number, the bigger the size of the oyster. At the table of a restaurant, directly from an oyster farmer, sitting on the port or strolling on the oyster market, discover the flagship product of Cancale, “Remarkable Site of Taste”.