Become a time hero!Time Travel
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©Application Time Travel Visuel 640x480
The app that takes you back in time!

Time Travel: Become a time hero!

Timetravel Corp ” the first time travel agency in the solar system ” launches a new application: TimeTravel. Its objective is simple: to accompany you in the discovery of eras, from the most recent to the oldest, thanks to a state-of-the-art technology. To do this, they use their latest generation TimePhones as well as their liaison agents who accompany you in the meanders of history.

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From Granville to Saint-Malo via Cancale, Avranches or Dol-de-Bretagne, the Timetravel Corp, “the first time travel agency in the solar system”, entrusts users of the application with fun and instructive missions to be carried out alone, with family or friends.

  • “Saint-Malo: Masters of the Seas”: Plunged into the heart of the 18th century, visitors will step into the shoes of Jeanne who dreams of setting sail to explore distant horizons. They will have to meet all the challenges and avoid the pitfalls they will find on their way to hope to add their name in the guestbook of the masters of the seas.
  • “The Builders” : Al, your liaison officer informs you that you will have to integrate the Corporation of the Builders of the Bay, a mysterious club of temporal agents who have reserved for you a series of tests through time. From Dol-de-Bretagne to Avranches, via Mont Dol, Pontaubault and Ducey, create your own training path to become, you too, a builder of the bay!
  • “Mont Saint-Michel: The Tour of the Mont in 1200 Years”: This mission sends visitors back to the Middle Ages. To return to the 21st century, with the help of the app, users will have to interview monks, merchants and builders while avoiding the bourgeois guard and that of the central house.
  • “Mont Saint-Michel Abbey: The Secrets of the Wonder”: This mission takes visitors back to the 19th century to assist the chief architect Victor Petitgrand in his project of the moment: designing a new spire for the abbey.
  • “Avranches: Operation Cobra”: Ric, a liaison officer for Timetravel Corp, is conducting an undercover investigation within the American 4th Armored Division and unfortunately has no battery left on his TimePhone! Users will have to collect various objects scattered around the city to recharge the famous TimePhone.
  • “Granville: Shadows of the Rocky Point”: Ric is lost in Granville in 1940 while investigating the occupation of the city by the Germans during World War II. Users will have to go undetected in the various time mission areas and will have to put on the uniform of the occupier or pretend to be a local without being caught by the shadows of the Pointe du Roc.

Other tour routes will soon enrich the application.

The Timetravel application is brought to you free of charge by the Regions of Brittany and Normandy with the support of the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund.

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