Before leaving, what if we checked:
- the weather
- the tide times, for the seaside routes. Attention in Rance, the tide times differ, you will find them here
- the time & the duration of the course, not to be surprised by the night!
- the difficulty of the course
- its return by public transport, you can consult the page “Getting around”
- its equipment

©sbourcier Randonnée

Cancale Mg 8044|

Balade en foret|

©alamoureux Randonnée Cancale

©rmarics Randonnée

Randonneuses Trans La Foret Smbmsm 328
We plan:
- A comfortable outfit, hiking shoes, we avoid flip-flops & stilettos!!
- A windbreaker just in case and yes we are in Brittany! But we also provide sunscreen and sunglasses, because yes we are in Brittany!
- A towel for impromptu swimming!
- What to eat and what to drink!
- A camera for vintage or a smartphone
- Prevention: Beware of selfie accidents! Either you are badly framed or you fall!
- The smartphone useful also for GPS & the Saint-Malo Tour App with all the hikes of our destination.
- A good old hiking guide and a compass can also do the trick