Attend a horse raceRacetrack
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©Noah Silliman 144948 Unsplash
Attend a horse race!


A 1st category racetrack with two types of tracks.

Marville Racecourse – Société des Courses de St-Malo

A grass track intended for gallop racesLength of 1,500 meters, width of 18 meters and straight line of 300 meters. Starts are given in stalls for the flat and on the bungee cord for the obstacle.A sand track intended for trotting racesTotal length of 1,360 meters, width of 20 meters and straight line of 300 meters. Catering service: restaurant “Le Panoramique”, fast food with Pascal “La galette de Pleudihen”, Natasha “La fourmi Gourmande” and “l’Établissement Georges” with oysters from the Bay of Cancale and Morlaix.

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