Our services: on-site consultation of books and magazines, loans on subscription, Internet access, entertainment: shows for children, book signings, exhibitions...
€8.80 per year and per Colombian family
€14.50 per year and per family outside Saint-Coulomb
€2.60 per additional card
€5.70 per month for transients (€30 deposit required)
For further information, please contact the Library directly.
The subscription gives the right to borrow 6 documents for a period of 3 weeks.
€8.80 per year and per Colombian family
€14.50 per year and per family outside Saint-Coulomb
€2.60 per additional card
€5.70 per month for transients (€30 deposit required)
For further information, please contact the Library directly.
The subscription gives the right to borrow 6 documents for a period of 3 weeks.