Plage des Chevrets

  • Supervised beach
La Guimorais, 35350 Saint-Coulomb
Chevrets beach in Saint-Coulomb is located at the hamlet of Guimorais north of the Lupine harbor. The environment of this beach is exceptional with on the left Besnard Island which is connected to the point of Meinga by an immense sand beach bordered by the dunes of Chevrets. We also have a view of the islands of Petit and Grand Chevret that can be reached on foot at low tide.
On the central part of this beach, there is a large campsite and a restaurant on the seafront.
In summer, this beach...


Hippocampe beachwheelchair child (beach)
First aid post
Beach with amenities


Plage des Chevrets
La Guimorais, 35350 Saint-Coulomb
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