Explore ...Our 8 preserved treasures
Photo taken in Cancale, FrancePhoto taken in Cancale, France
©Photo taken in Cancale, France|Anthony Das Lages / EyeEm
Rich in its diversity!

Our 8 preserved treasures

Place to the emotion, the one that creates the memory and makes you want to come back!”

The territory of Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel is adorned with 8 Treasures, reflections of their human, natural and heritage wealth. It offers unique experiences. If you want to see further and wider, there is no shortage of panoramic views: from the GR® 34, from the top of the ramparts of Saint-Malo, in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, aboard a dory sailing down the Rance… to the Eleven Locks of Romantic Brittany. The territory is revealed with authenticity between history, know-how and commitment.

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