with the Maison de la Baie in Le Vivier-sur-Mer

Initiation to fishing on foot

SMBMSM - Eductour Fishing trip - Maison de la Baie (30)SMBMSM - Eductour Fishing trip - Maison de la Baie (30)
©SMBMSM - Eductour Fishing trip - Maison de la Baie (30)

My little boots on my feet, a well adapted windbreaker and a whole bunch of equipment: a bucket, a claw, a ruler … Here I am for an afternoon in the bay with my colleagues to (re) discover fishing on foot.

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An initiation between colleagues in the bay of Mont Saint-Michel and supervised by the Maison de la Baie in Le Vivier sur Mer; an afternoon well filled and leaves me a good memory!

Let's go for an introduction to fishing!

After a short and pleasant ride in a vehicle specially designed for the Bay, where we were able to open the “windows” and take in the view and the lungs! We oxygenate ourselves, we make “Wahouuu”!” We know the Bay, but today we live it!”Here we are arrived at the place of the quest! Today the Grall, it is the clam!The fishing on foot, I know a little, I have an expert friend who took me in “his” corner to clams! But there, it’s something else, the joy of discovery of my colleagues who know little of the practice, makes the expedition more fun and enjoyable! For some, it is a real return to childhood, memories come back to mind, a walk with his grandparents, the feat of having once caught razor clams without salt … We are accompanied by Marine,one of the experts of the House of the Bay who knows all the little inhabitants of the Bay and especially the good practices. She fascinates us with the breadth of her knowledge, she amuses us in all friendliness!”Thanks to her, foot fishing has no more secrets for us! We become ambassadors!Marine offers us a very practical ruler with all the sizes and photos of what we can fish. With this tool, it is difficult to make a mistake and like that we respect the natural environment …

A return to nature

The expanse of the Bay reveals itself to me, a sun that feels good… Here we are in an office in the fresh air and open sky, a dream open space for a day’s work!”I can’t resist taking off my boots to put my feet in the sand, what a pleasure! Because fishing on foot, ok but reconnecting with nature and enjoying its benefits is even better.I breathe, I take pictures, I watch my colleagues squatting in the sand looking for shells!” I got one! I got one!” and then the fishing begins. My colleagues turn into gold diggers ! To the one who brings back the most, (according to the imposed quota of course), between Clémence and Blandine, the competition is tough … ” You have how many!”The objective: To succeed in his quest!”And in the end, the fairplay of sharing the catch.

While I with my little feet in the mud, I indulge in hole fishing!Ah you tell me, what is hole fishing … It is a matter of observation!When you see a small hole in the sand, it is that there may be a shell hiding there! On my side, it worked almost every time!”Today, I am with my colleagues, but I already know that for this type of outing, I can go with my nieces, my family, my friends…

At the end of the afternoon, it is the pride of having fished that invades us! We feel closer to nature, we took a good breath of air, moreover already on the way back, we felt it well… All of us were in our thoughts, a little tired but happy to have fished!This adventure between colleagues in all friendliness, has invigorated us!” Team spirit, learning to fish, meeting with an expert, everything was present to satisfy our curiosity, reconnect us with our environment and help us to advise you at best with a real lived experience.

Go on an adventure

And discover our preserved treasures!

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