Furnished tourism

Furnished tourism

All the information about the classifications and labels for the furnished accommodation.

Declare your furnished accommodation

In Saint-Malo:

  1. Registration of furnished accommodation with allocation of a registration number via the platform of the Tourist Tax of Saint-Malo Agglomeration.
  2. Authorization of change of use of residential premises in furnished tourism with the City Council of Saint-Malo.


Classification procedure for furnished accommodation

The classification of a seasonal rental is a voluntary step by the owner or his agent. This classification is valid for 5 years, ranging from 1 to 5 stars. Once the label is obtained, your furnished accommodation will then have the designation “furnished tourism”.The new classification standards contribute to the improvement of the quality of the equipment but also of the tourist services for all the accommodation concerned thanks to a more demanding, more complete and evolving model.

Why get a furnished tourism accommodation classified?

  • Official recognition and a guarantee of quality for the owner and the clientele
  • A national qualification carried by Atout France, the Ministry in charge of Tourism
  • A tax deduction of 71% (BIC “micro-foncier” tax regime)
  • The possibility of accepting Chèques-Vacances and benefiting from a national communication of Chèques-Vacances.

The classification grid for furnished tourist accommodation in force since February 1, 2022 are based on 133 criteria divided into 3 chapters:

  • Equipment and facilities
  • Customer services
  • Accessibility and sustainable development

Some criteria are mandatory and others are optional.

5 accredited / approved organizations in our territory

The organizations performing the classification visits have been accredited or approved following a qualification process. You will find below a list of organizations located on our territory, to contact for any request for classification:Cabinet Valérie Potrel33 rue de Châtillon35000 RENNESTel. 06 87 34 87 48Cabinet V. Letellier 1 allée Mairie Le Vaillant22000 SAINT-BRIEUCTél. 06 87 36 94 19Clévacances Haute Bretagne4 Place de L’église35430 SAINT-JOUAN-DES-GUERETSTél. 06 71 21 63 63Gîtes de France® Ille et Vilaine103 A avenue Henri Fréville BP 7033635203 RENNES Cedex 2Tel. 02 99 22 68 65FNAIM21-23 Mail François Mitterrand35000 RENNESTel. 02 99 14 45 88To learn more about the Meublés de Tourisme classification by Atout France, click here

Quality labels

The Clévacances Label

Houses, cottages, apartments or studios, residences, unusual rentals… and bed and breakfasts too. Furnished accommodation is listed by key from 1 to 5 clés.35@clevacances.com

The Fleurs de Soleil label

Since 2017, Fleurs de Soleil has opened up to the labeling of gîtes in addition to guest rooms.Fleurs de SoleilBP 7633222106 DINAN CedexTel. 06 27 82 89 99 / 06 68 56 40 73info@fleursdesoleil.fr

The Gîtes de France® label

Gites de France® accompanies projects and labels tourist accommodations in the countryside, on the seaside or even in the city with its “City-Break” brand. Whether it is for vacation homes, apartments, guest rooms or group gites, the label is concretized by obtaining the mark with a number of ears of corn ranging from 1 to 5.Gîtes de France® Ille et Vilaine103 A avenue Henri Fréville BP 7033635203 RENNES Cedex 2Tel. 02 99 22 68 65contact@gitesdefrance35.com

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