The 30 partners, historical and new, had the opportunity to (re)see each other, network together and become more familiar with the issues of Responsible Tourism.
On the program:
conference and roundtable dedicated to the theme, orchestrated by the Betterfly Tourism agency, with two committed partners Karine Guihard, Thermes Marins de Saint-Malo and Pierre-Maxime Renon, restaurant l’Absinthe.Véronique Chauveau Lefebvre, new General Manager since March 2022, presented the activity report of the sector since its creation at the end of 2019.She invited Michaël Trévilly, COTECH representative of the SPL and Olivier Delepine, COTECH animator of the Pays de Dol and the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, to express themselves on the B2B collaboration with the Destination as well as on their future perspectives