After the successful conclusion of the Breton Economic Forum, the Grand Large is getting ready to welcome more than 6,000 participants for major events, mainly scientific and medical, including international scientific conferences such as the “Neurofly” conference, which will bring together researchers from 35 countries from September 6 to 10. They will discuss the research conducted on the Drosophila fly, an excellent model organism for the study of genetics, which has allowed major advances in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases in particular for over 30 years.The Grand Large will also host medical congresses such as the SIFUD-PP congress, which aims to promote Pelvi Perineology among health professionals (September 14-16 – 800 participants), the SF2S congress (French Society of Sterilization Sciences – September 27-30 – 600 participants) or the Journées Armoricaines Plaies et Cicatrisations (Wound and Wound Healing Days), which will be held for the 6th time in Saint-Malo and which will bring together 700 participants on September 22 and 23Find the calendar of our events on our website:
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Business tourism