
Direct from our pros : The Country of Romantic Brittany

Chateau De Combourg Simon Bourcier 6517Chateau De Combourg Simon Bourcier 6517
©Chateau De Combourg Simon Bourcier 6517|©

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Live from our pros :

The Country of Romantic Brittany

Bien Vivre en Bretagne romantique (BVBR) is a citizen self-help group created in March 2020 during the confinement. Constituted as an association in August 2020, the founding idea of BVBR is to rely on citizen energies to move towards a real strategy of local development in collaboration with all the actors of the territory volunteers in areas as varied as the environment, sustainable consumption and good living.Initially, this self-help group was formed informally and then materialized through a Facebook group. Today, this group has more than 3300 subscribers living in the Romantic Brittany area. The second axis was the organization of a mobile market which allowed several producers to propose and market their goods despite the confinement and to the inhabitants to take advantage of local products which were delivered close to their homes. In a second time, a group of reflection of about thirty people gathering elected officials, representatives of associations, of the cultural and civil environment was constituted to prolong the dynamics of BVBR through a territory project carried by the citizens aiming at reinvesting the local. Bien Vivre en Bretagne romantique wishes to give the inhabitants the possibility to invest their environment and to give meaning to “living together”, as a real philosophy of life.

La Grande Traversée de Bretagne Romantique: a great loop to be imagined from the network of trails already existing, having the ambition to link the different environments and remarkable spaces of the territory in collaboration with the different associations that through their activity, hiking, naturalist discovery, nature sport activity have a vocation to promote all the wealth. The GTBR is a multi-faceted tool that will allow the promotion of the natural wealth of our territory, the small heritage while enhancing the offer of accommodation, activities and tourist restoration. A master trainee is contributing to the development of this project. A first meeting took place in April gathering about thirty organizations of the territory, hiking and nature sports associations, cultural places, naturalists, watershed syndicate, tourism actors, inhabitants and representatives of the communes. Several working groups have been set up around the project: a “natural heritage and small built heritage” group, a “route” group, an “animation and event around the Grande Traversée” group and a “governance, piloting and financing” group. After having listed the remarkable natural and built heritage of our territory, the first scouting of the route took place during several scouting hikes, in the form of one or several days during the month of July. The idea is to cross and discover all the “environments” on which Romantic Brittany depends, including the Rance and certain neighboring watersheds that have a primary hydrographic or geological influence on our territory.

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