
Dol, cycling territory

La Greve En Baie Du Mont Saint Michel Cherrueix Alexandre Lamoureux 14137La Greve En Baie Du Mont Saint Michel Cherrueix Alexandre Lamoureux 14137
©La Greve En Baie Du Mont Saint Michel Cherrueix Alexandre Lamoureux 14137|alexandre lamoureux

Cycling territory

The Community of Municipalities has been committed for several years to the development of cycling, both for daily utilitarian travel and for local tourist discovery. It is within this framework, that accompanied by the Tourist Engineering Pole of the SPL, it has just obtained the label Territoire vélo for a period of 3 years. The label was initially held by the City of Dol, and, in light of the intermunicipal policy to promote the use of bicycles, the elected officials of the Community of Municipalities wished to extend it to the entire territory of the 19 municipalities.For more than 10 years, the Community has been setting up a network of Vélopromenades® tourist loops that allow people to discover and irrigate the entire territory by bicycle, connected to La Vélomaritime – EV4 in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel. The routes use shared lanes and some parts are dedicated lanes, reserved for pedestrians and bicycles. In 2022, the Community has 7 local loops.The whole offer is part of a larger territorial network, on the scale of the SPL – Destination Saint-Malo – Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, which totals 18 bicycle circuitslink to the bike map All the routes are signposted and benefit from a communication leaflet and a digital version with downloadable gpx tracks on the SPL website.The bike offer is completed by the 14 mountain bike routes of the base of the same name.Note: the Bureau d’Information Touristique (BIT) de Dol is labeled Accueil Vélo since 2017.The label finally comes to reward the animations organized around the bike, such as the Cardiac of the Pays de Dol and the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel, or guided bike trips as part of the Échappées Baie and finally, animations in elementary school to raise awareness of cycling.A study for the implementation of a cycling scheme for daily cycling mobility (home-work) has just been launched by the Community. More great initiatives that will be born on the territory!

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