
Visit with lanterns and welcome of Ken Follett: Dol in full light!


Dol in full light!

Visit of Ken FOLLETT

The Little City of Character® had the lights on it last weekend on the occasion of the visit of the famous writer Ken FOLLETT, organized by the town hall. Generous donor for the restoration of St. Samson’s Cathedral, Ken FOLLETT participated in the celebration of the pardon of St. Samson, first bishop of Dol, Welsh, just like him, before taking a carriage ride in the historic center and receiving the medal of honor of the City.

Visit Dol with Lanterns

In another register, Dol-de-Bretagne is visited in a new way this year… in lights! In addition to the usual visits, two exceptional evenings are programmed to discover the city with lanterns with Dominique MARTEL, our stay advisor – tour guide. A first visit was scheduled on July 27 and the next is set for August 10.

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