Find in this section the contacts with the media, the press receptions and the links to the articles or reports realized or to come on our territory following the reception of journalists.
During school vacations, and within the framework of an agreement between France Bleu and the Federation of Tourist Offices of Brittany (OTB), the antenna is given to a person from the Tourist Office as well as to one of its partners.
On Tuesday, July 19, the floor was given to Alexandra CAUUET of the Sabots de Villecartier in Trans-la-Forêt, who was able to present the summer activities of the equestrian center, preceded by Lisa FONTLUPT (in charge of Press Relations) who highlighted the guided tours of the Office of Tourism, complemented by the visit of heritage sites nearby.
2 passages were thus carried out, a first one at the beginning of the morning on France Bleu Armorique, and a second one at the end of the afternoon with a double broadcast on France Bleu Armorique and on France Bleu Breizh Izel.
Find the interviews on the France Bleu website.
On June 1, 5 journalists from the Austrian national and regional daily press visited Cancale for a tour of the Ferme Marine. Hosted during a press trip organized by Atout France and Destination Rennes, in collaboration with Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel, the journalists have already published several articles, including in:
– Kronen Zeitung (circulation: 1,290,500 / readers: 2,292,000)
– Salzburger Nachrichten Wochenende (circulation: 98,180 / readers: 286,000),
– News (circulation: 51,850 / readers: 173,000)
Jean-Marie Dumont, a journalist, has been in contact with the Communications Department since February, with a view to writing an article dedicated to the Cathedral of Saint-Samson in Dol-de-Bretagne. On June 22, he was able to take an immersive tour of the work on the heritage site in the company of Xavier Coadic, an elected official at Dol City Hall, and met Dominique Martel, a tour guide at the Office of Tourism.
The 4-page article was published in Christian Family, No. 2321, the week of July 9-15.
In partnership with the TMVP tourist route, and following the hosting of Dutch journalist Lennert van Loo in the territory at the end of June, an article highlighting EuroVélo 2 and the VéloMaritime was published on the specialized cycling website, Wielerflits.