Become a Partner
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Become a Partner

Find on this page all the necessary information for your partnership request: partnership conditions, web questionnaire for a request and your contacts.

Our common commitment

To become a partner of the Intercommunity Tourist Office is to affirm your commitment to the territory!

The harmonization of the territory into a flagship tourist region deserves your attention and involvement. It is thanks to our collaboration that we will be able to sustainably welcome a clientele that is increasingly enthusiastic about discovering one of the most visited French territories in the world. Thanks to you, we will be able to affirm the identity of our territory to lead our future actions. Becoming a partner of the Intercommunal Tourist Office is the guarantee of a visibility on the whole French territory and Europe;

Our conditions

What are the partnership conditions to be respected to become a partner of the Intercommunal Tourist Office?

Your activity must be located in the Saint-Malo agglomeration (a deliberation of the Bureau will be necessary for any request outside this perimeter).

  • You are a tourism professional
  • Only classified and or labeled accommodations can be referenced at the Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel Tourism Intercommunal Office
  • Your activity must comply with current legislation
For more details

We recommend that you download and consult our Partner Guide 2022 :

By filling out the form

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we will answer you as soon as possible:

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