Study - Nautical sector
Activités Nautiques BougerActivités Nautiques Bouger
©Activités Nautiques Bouger

Study – Nautical sector

The Destination Cap Fréhel – Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel has carried out a study to measure the importance and economic impact of the nautical sector, including water sports and seaside, marinas, and industries, businesses and services. This approach has resulted in a thorough knowledge of the sector to allow for relevant support to the structures of the sector so that they can face future challenges. The nautical sector contributes directly to the image, the notoriety and the influence of our territory on a regional and national level.


Nautical sector

The objectives of the study:

  • to have complete data on the nautical sector on the scale of the Destination,
  • to evaluate the economic weight of the sector on the territory.
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