Accessible beaches
Dunes De Roz Ven St Coulomb Alexandre Lamoureux 8591Dunes De Roz Ven St Coulomb Alexandre Lamoureux 8591
©Dunes De Roz Ven St Coulomb Alexandre Lamoureux 8591|alexandre lamoureux

Accessible beaches

Numerous facilities have been put in place by the City of Saint-Malo

  • Access ramps to public toilets and the beach
  • Local parking
  • “Seahorse” wheelchairs allowing real autonomy on the beach and in the water

Seahorse Chairs

Seahorse chairs have become over the years the symbol of accessibility on the beaches of Saint Malo. They allow the person in a wheelchair to move on the sand and enjoy the pleasures of sea bathing.

  • 6 floating amphibious chairs
  • 10 beach wheelchairs, all-terrain.

The summer

Chairs are available along the 8 kilometers of classified beaches, at the following 8 aid stations:

  1. Bas-Sablons Beach (1 chair)
  2. Bon-Secours (2 chairs + 1 chair at SNBSM sailing school)
  3. Plage de l’éventail (2 chairs)
  4. Plage du Sillon (1 chair)
  5. Plage de la Hoguette (2 chairs + 1 chair at Surf School)
  6. Plage de Rochebonne (1 armchair)
  7. Plage du Pont (2 armchairs)
  8. Plage du Val (2 armchairs)

A 9th place offers the rental of an armchair at Le Havre de Rothéneuf (SNBSM sailing school) Beware this beach is not supervised.

The aid stations are open in July and August from 12:30 to 19:00, every day of the week.

In season, the Sports Department keeps 2 chairs in reserve at the workshops, so it is advisable to book 48 hours in advance to check the availability of chairs.

    Off Season

    Only 3 chairs are available at the following sailing schools:

    1. Surf School, Plage de la Hoguette,
    2. SNBSM, Plage de Bon-Secours
    3. SNBSM, Havre de Rothéneuf, avenue de la Guimorais.

    For any request for additional chairs, contact the Sports Department:02 99 56 90

    The chairs are provided free of charge

    Access ramps

    Many beaches have them:

    • Beach of Sillon,
    • Beach of Bon-Secours,
    • Beach of Fan,
    • Beach of Bridge,
    • Beach at Rochebonne,
    • Beach at Val

    Raised benches with armrests are placed at walking areas throughout the city.