Getting around
Bus KsmaBus Ksma
©Bus Ksma

Getting around

For many years, the City of Saint-Malo has been committed to improving the daily life of people with disabilities. A welcoming city for all is a challenge, given the architectural constraints imposed on the historic city.

Coming to Saint-Malo

Whether you arrive in St Malo by train, boat or car, you will find here all the practical information to organize your stay. All types of public or private transportation are proposed here, in order to circulate freely.

By train:

TGV stationThe TGV is direct from Paris to Saint-Malo. Saint-Malo station is on the same level and meets the “Access Plus” standards.

  • Reception and accompaniment service to the train.
  • Level access to the trains and platforms delimited by podotactile strips.

By bus:

All buses are equipped with an access ramp and more than 40 stops are now equipped to facilitate access to transportation for any person with reduced mobility, including the bus station/TGV station and the stop near the old town “Intra-Muros”…Access ramps, reserved spaces, visual and audible announcements of the next stop, simplified signage and enlarged font size at bus stops…

Other means of transportation

Help & Support

Handicap Services 35

Accompaniment and help with mobility: Vehicles adapted for people with reduced mobility and dependents.Contact: 02 23 21 01