Terms and Conditions of Sale
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Terms and Conditions of Sale

Ticket prices and payment terms: General Terms and Conditions of Sale

ARTICLE 1: Ticket pricesARTICLE 2: Availability and number of seatsARTICLE 3: Payment termsARTICLE 4: Order validationARTICLE 5: Security and personal dataARTICLE 6: No right of withdrawalARTICLE 7: Conditions of use of ticketsARTICLE 8: Cancellation, modification, refundARTICLE 9: LiabilityARTICLE 10: Applicable law

Terms and Conditions of Sale

These terms and conditions of sale apply to any ticket order made on this site. Thus, the fact of placing an order implies full and complete adherence, without any reservation, by the purchaser, to the said general terms and conditions of sale.SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel reserves the possibility of adapting or modifying at any time the present general terms and conditions of sale. In the event of modification, the general terms and conditions of sale in force on the day of the order will be applied to each order. No special condition, nor any other general conditions emanating from the purchaser may, without the express agreement of SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel, prevail over the present conditions. Any contrary condition laid down by the purchaser shall therefore, in the absence of express acceptance, be unenforceable against SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel, regardless of the time at which it may have been brought to its attention.The fact that SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel does not avail itself at a given time of any of these general terms and conditions of sale may not be interpreted as a waiver of any of the said terms and conditions at a later date. It is hereby specified that the tickets remain the full and entire property of the organiser, even when SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel acts solely as an intermediary for the Organisers / Ticketing Suppliers and on their behalf.Consequently, these general terms and conditions of sale only concern the ticketing sales services and not the event itself.We strongly recommend that you print out a copy of these terms and conditions in order to keep a reference.

ARTICLE 1: Ticket prices

1.1 – Ticket prices are indicated in euros including all taxes.1.2 – Management fees: In the case of shows not organized by SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel, management fees may be applied.1.3 – Prices may be modified at any time by SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel. The applicable rates are those in force at the time the order is registered.1.4 – Depending on the event, different types of rates may be offered for one and the same event. The rate chosen by the spectator, as well as the price paid with validation of the order, may not be modified without the express agreement of the event organiser.1.5 – SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel may act as an intermediary for the Organisers/ticketing suppliers, with the tickets for the shows remaining the exclusive property of the event organiser until full and final payment of the price by SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel.1.6 – All orders, regardless of their geographical origin, are payable in euros.

ARTICLE 2: Availability and number of seats

2.1 – SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel informs the purchaser in real time as to the availability of the desired tickets when the order is placed.2.2 – The total number of tickets sold per event may not exceed the number set by the organiser, which will be indicated for each event where applicable.2.3 – It is hereby specified that the event organisers may provide for conditions of use of the tickets and/or regulations. 2.4 – Depending on the type of show or event, particularly for sports events, the organizer may reserve the right to hand out, at the entrance to the event, a ticket that may include a detachable stub with two counterfoils. In this case, the tickets will be collected 30 minutes before the beginning of the show.2.5 – This page corresponds only to an order in progress and cannot be considered as being a firm and definitive reservation as long as payment has not been made. It is possible, depending on each event, that the organizer, or failing that the SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel, determines a maximum number of tickets in reservation, accumulated by purchase which will be specified where appropriate.A single buyer can not make several orders spaced out in time to circumvent this rule.

ARTICLE 3: Terms of payment

3.1 – Payment by the buyer is made exclusively by credit cards.3.2 – The cards accepted for payment on the site are those of the networks CARTE BLEUE/VISA and EUROCARD/MASTERCARD.3.3 – The bank account of the buyer will be debited with the amount of the order upon final validation of the transaction.3.4 – The buyer may, after each transaction, consult his proof of payment on the user account that will have been automatically assigned to him on the site.3.5 – Each bank transaction gives rise to the creation of a single ticket. The tickets are personal and cannot include several seats. During a grouped order the tickets are generated in a row on a single PDF file.

ARTICLE 4: Validation of the order

4.1 – The validation of the order by the buyer is worth firm and final acceptance, without any reserve, of it as well as these General Conditions of Sale.4.2 – Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded by the company SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel constitute proof of the entirety of the orders placed between the latter and the purchasers.4.3 – An order confirmation email will be sent to the buyer to validate his reservation.


5.1 – SECURITY OF PAYMENTSThis site is the subject of a system of security of payments using the SSL encryption process guaranteeing the total confidentiality of the banking information of the buyer.This technology does not involve any risk of piracy. The payment information is encrypted from your computer to the bank’s server. SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel uses for the said payments the PPPS solution provided and developed by the company ONE SHOT PAY.5.2 – PERSONAL DATAAs part of the ordering process, the buyer may be asked to provide certain personal data which may be used by SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel in the management and monitoring of his order.This data will be kept by SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel for security purposes. This information and data is also kept in the personal account of each buyer by SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel in order to be able to pass on the information transmitted by the organizers as best as possible, particularly in the event of a postponement or cancellation of the event relating to the buyer’s order.To read our entire privacy policy click here.

ARTICLE 6: Absence of right of withdrawal

In accordance with Article L. 121-20-4 of the Consumer Code, tickets for shows to be provided on a specific date or according to a specific period are expressly excluded from the right of withdrawal.

ARTICLE 7: Conditions of use of the tickets

7.1 – To be valid the ticket will have to be printed, in color or black and white, on white A4 paper, blank, recto in portrait orientation and without size modification. No other support will be accepted.7.2 – The tickets can be printed from any place with a simple access to the internet.7.3 – The entry to the event is subject to the control of the validity of the said ticket.7.4 – A good quality of printing is necessary. Partially printed, soiled, damaged or illegible tickets will not be accepted and will be considered invalid.7.5 – In case of incident or poor quality printing, the buyer must print the file again. To verify the good quality of printing, the buyer must ensure that the various information written on the ticket, as well as the bar code are well readable.7.6 – The ticket is non-exchangeable and non-refundable unless the event is cancelled. In case of cancellation, the ticket will be reimbursed, excluding administration fees if applicable.7.7 – The ticket is personal and non-transferable. The organizer reserves the right to check the identity of the customer at the entrance of the place where the event takes place. At the time of the controls, the purchaser must have an official, valid ID with a photo (ID card, passport, driver’s license or residence permit). 7.8 – SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel particularly draws the attention of purchasers to the fact that a ticket cannot be sold or transferred, even free of charge, by the purchaser unless a written request is made to SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel and the latter’s express prior agreement is obtained.7.9 – Tickets will be checked, under the exclusive responsibility of the organizer, by means of barcode readers at the entrance to the event. Each user must be in possession of a secure personal ticket. In case of falsified ticket, in any way whatsoever, only the first ticket presented and flashed will be considered valid and will allow access to the place where the event will take place.7.10 – The bar code allows the identification of the buyer and access to the details of his order.7.11 – It is also recalled that persons who reproduce the ticket, as well as the users of the reproduced ticket would be liable to criminal prosecution.7.12 – In case of reproduction, theft or falsification of a ticket, the organizer reserves the right to refuse access to the place where the event takes place to the person or persons presenting themselves with these tickets if access to the place of the event has already been granted to the holders of the valid ticket or tickets. In this case, the person denied access to the event will not be entitled to any refund of the price paid.7.13 – The ticket is valid only for the event, on the date and under the conditions stated on the ticket. Once the event has begun, no claim will be accepted, neither concerning the applicable rate, nor concerning the event itself.7.14 – The buyer must keep his ticket in order to be able to present it at any control.7.15 – The acquisition of the ticket implies adherence to the internal regulations of the event venue to which it relates.7.16 – SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel declines all responsibility for anomalies that may occur during the ordering, processing or printing of the ticket insofar as it has not caused them intentionally or as a result of negligence in the event of loss, theft or illicit use.7.17 – Failure to comply with the rules set out above will result in the purchaser’s ticket being invalid.7.18 – The buyer will have the option, at the end of each transaction, to consult and reprint his tickets from the user account that will have been automatically assigned to him on the site.

ARTICLE 8: Cancellation, modification, refund and use.

8.1 – The ticket will not be reimbursed in the event of theft, loss and can likewise be neither taken back nor exchanged except in the event of cancellation of the event and decision to reimburse by the organizer.In the event of cancellation of the event or decision to refund by the organizer, only the price of the ticket will be refunded. In this case, the refund will only be made to the original purchaser of the ticket in exchange for the ticket itself. In all cases, no expenses of any kind whatsoever will be refunded or compensated.It is specified that any ticket purchased will not be refunded, even in the event that the ticket has not been used by the customer- except in the case of cancellation under the conditions referred to above.


In 2012, a law No. 2012-348 was voted – this prohibits the resale, without prior agreement of the organizers or producers of tickets to shows, sporting events, cultural, commercial.The non-respect of this article 313-6-2, comes under the Penal Code and is punished by a fine of 15 000 to 30 000€.Do not buy tickets from a person who is not able to guarantee that he has the approval of the producer of the show.Otherwise, you could find yourself without recourse if the tickets are not delivered to you or if the delivered tickets do not actually give you access to the show.The name of the producer appears on each of the issued tickets. Contact the producer and, above all, consult his website.8.2 – The reimbursement of the payment for cancelled events is made to the purchaser of the tickets in accordance with the rules of the accountant of SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel.8.3 – The organization and running of the Events are the sole responsibility of the organizers. Consequently, SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel cannot be held liable in the event of cancellation, postponement, modification of the programme, modification of the location of the event and, more generally, for any decisions made by the organiser affecting the running of the event. In the event of cancellation of an event, the management fees will, in any event, be retained by SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel.8.4 – The purchaser agrees that SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel, in the event of a change referred to in 8.3 above, may use the contact details that the purchaser will have provided when placing the order, in order to keep the purchaser informed of the aforementioned changes as well as the steps to be taken.8.5 – To this end, SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel strongly recommends that the buyer check with it or the organizer, at least 24 hours before the start of the event, to ensure that it is maintained.

ARTICLE 9: Liability

9.1 – In accordance with the legislation in force, Article L. 121-20-3 of the Consumer Code, SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel is automatically responsible, with respect to its customers, for the proper performance of obligations resulting from contracts concluded at a distance.9.2 – Each event organizer determines the internal regulations specific to the organization of the said event, which are automatically applicable to its customers. These regulations are communicated by the organizer to the customer either directly, or through its website, or directly at the place of the event.9.3 – SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel recommends that you check the spam filter of your email in order to ensure the proper receipt of confirmation emails that it may be required to send.

ARTICLE 10: Applicable law

10.1 – The sale of tickets made through the SPL Destination Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel website is subject to French law.10.2 – In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have jurisdiction.10.3 – The Société Publique Locale Saint-Malo Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel registered under SIRET 824 684 039 3020 // APE 7990Z // GROUPAMA ASSURANCE-CRÉDIT & CAUTION // AXA FRANCE IARD

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